"At Georgetown Church of the Nazarene our mission is to provide an environment where kids learn to know God, show His love, and grow in their faith."
We provide children's classes during Sunday School, Sunday Worship and Wednesday nights
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

School Age
Following the music portion of each Worship Service, kids kindergarten through fifth grade are dismissed to Kids Konnection. During this time they will hear a Bible story and break into small groups where they will discover how the Bible lesson applies to their lives.

Pre-school kids ages 4-5 have a class designed just for them during the Worship Service. The kids have a Bible story, sing songs and play games.

Safe and loving care is offered for kids 6 weeks to 3 years of age. Our team includes two hired childcare professionals and is coordinated by church member Kay Dimitri.

Through the school year, we offer a Bible quizzing program during Sunday School. Each year the kids quiz over 1-2 books of the Bible and have a great time learning God’s truths.